Science Flash January 2023: Determining Forest Thinning Operation Costs

Determining Forest Thinning Operation Costs in the Western US Mechanical forest thinning treatments are implemented across the western US to improve forest health, reduce hazardous fuels, and mitigate unnaturally severe wildfire. However, thinning [...]

2024-02-09T22:26:04+00:00February 9th, 2024|Science Flash|

Science Flash February 2022: Workforce Training Needs of Forestry Contractors in the US Southwest

A major barrier to increasing the pace and scale of restoration treatmentsand reducing the threat of wildfire is a lack of forest product industry workforce and capacity. The forest product industry has been in [...]

2022-04-20T21:35:45+00:00April 20th, 2022|Science Flash|

Science Flash January 2022: Cross-Boundary Landscape Restoration Workshop

20 years of Megafire: Compounding Disturbances in a Climate-Altered West March 8–10, 2022 Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado The 2022 Cross-Boundary Landscape Restoration Workshop will bring together land and fire managers, researchers, and stakeholders to [...]

2022-04-20T19:58:23+00:00April 20th, 2022|Science Flash|

Science Flash December 2021: Advancing Tribal Forest Management

In Arizona and New Mexico, there are 10 million acres of tribal forested land. Across the US, tribes share thousands of miles of forested boundaries with federal land management agencies. For example, tribes share [...]

2022-04-20T19:25:42+00:00April 20th, 2022|Science Flash|

Science Flash October 2021: An illustrative line of evidence: What photos can teach us about ecosystem change and restoration

Scientists and land managers use many different lines of evidence, including dendrochronology, forest structure data, and historical documents and photographs, to reconstruct a landscape’s historical forest conditions and fire regimes. One line of direct [...]

2022-04-20T19:05:35+00:00April 20th, 2022|Science Flash|

Science Flash September 2021: State of the Science on Western Wildfires, Forest Management and Climate Change

A new set of papers reviews the established science on wildfires and forest management. In the three papers, the authors—which include several ecologists from the ERI and NAU’s School of Forestry—summarized more than 1,000 published papers [...]

2022-04-20T20:08:05+00:00April 20th, 2022|Science Flash|

Science Flash August 2021: The 2010 Schultz Fire: A Ten-Year Full-Cost Analysis

Understanding the long-term socio-economic implications of high-severity wildfire and post-fire flooding Southwestern mountain town communities like Flagstaff, Arizona are no strangers to wildfires and monsoon rains. But, a changing climate is affecting the [...]

2022-04-20T18:16:51+00:00April 20th, 2022|Science Flash|

Science Flash June 2021: Lines of Evidence: How Reconstructing Historical Fire Regimes Informs Current and Future Forest Management

The 2020 wildfire season set records across the western US. Scientists expect climate change to exacerbate severe wildfires with increasing temperatures and drought conditions. Add to the mix dense forests full of excess trees [...]

2021-06-14T19:52:01+00:00June 14th, 2021|Science Flash|
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