Tribal Forestry Student Summit;
The Tribal Forestry Student Summit has been postponed to fall 2021. This was in concern for the safety of summit participants and the NAU community. The planning committee also placed a premium on the face-to-face interaction between summit participants and presenters and decided to proceed with an in-person event. They are also exploring the potential for a hybrid event that would allow virtual and in person participation.
A monthly blog titled, The Forester’s Log, is available on the ERI website to develop community and interest leading up to the summit. Each blog, written by seasoned forest practitioners, will present topics including the benefits and challenges of being a forester, the importance of networking, and upcoming opportunities.
Tribal “Wood for Life” Firewood Project:
The recent closure of the Navajo Generating Station near Page, Arizona resulted in the loss of jobs and a reliable heating source for tribal communities in the area. To respond to these impacts, efforts were made to provide firewood to these communities from USDA Forest Service restoration treatments on the Coconino and Kaibab national forests.
The primary intent of this project is to ensure a reliable source of wood for the upcoming fall and winter. Long-term goals are to develop reliable systems for firewood delivery and processing, agreements between tribal entities and the Forest Service, and tribal engagement using recently enacted legislation that favors increase tribal participation.
The ERI will assist in the development of collaborative efforts between tribal entities, in drafting of business and action plans, and establishment of agreements and contracts between tribal entities and the USDA Forest Service.